Norwich Union Angling Club Constitution

Amended by General Meeting 21st May 2014

This Constitution was approved at a General Meeting on 21st May 2014 and supersedes all previous versions.

  1. TITLE
    1. The Club shall be called The Norwich Union Angling Club.
    1. NUAC aims to offer varied recreational angling opportunities, club matches, social outings and events to members of all abilities.
    1. A member is the holder of a valid NUAC permit.
    2. NUAC membership is by application only and at the discretion of the committee. Acceptance of application will be confirmed by the issue of an NUAC permit.
    3. A membership limit applies. This will be agreed at a committee meeting and can be amended at a subsequent committee meeting.
    4. Guest day permits are available. Guests must be accompanied by a member at all times. Not all venues may be available to guests.
    5. Membership categories
      1. Full member - holder of a valid NUAC season permit
      2. Day member - holder of a valid guest day permit
    1. Members whose conduct is inappropriate or who decline to abide by any rules of the Club may have their membership cancelled at the discretion of the committee and their membership fee may be forfeited.
    1. The Officers of the Club shall be:
      1. Chairman
      2. Secretary
      3. Treasurer
    2. Officers shall be elected for a period of one year at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, or if otherwise necessary at a specifically convened Extraordinary General Meeting, from, and by, Full Members of the Club.
    3. Officers may be re-elected to the same or other office.
    4. An independent Auditor shall be appointed each year by the Treasurer and approved by the Committee.
    1. The affairs of the Club shall be controlled by a Committee comprising at least 6 Full Members of the Club who shall be elected from and by those Full Members and including the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
    2. The Quorum at any Committee meeting shall be four Full Members, including at least one of the aforementioned Officers.
    3. The Committee shall meet at regular intervals and not less than four times per year.
    4. The duties of the Committee shall be:
      1. To control the affairs of the Club on behalf of the Members.
      2. To offer suitable waters and facilities to Members and maintain the relationships required to do so.
        1. Waters and facilities on offer can be changed at the discretion of the Committee.
      3. To keep accurate and annually audited accounts of the finances of the Club to be presented to the Members at the Annual General Meeting. The Club shall maintain Bank or Building Society accounts as deemed appropriate by the Committee. The Treasurer and at least one additional committee member will be authorised to make payments from such Club accounts. Payments exceeding £100 must be authorised by the Treasurer and one other authorised committee member.
      4. To use all Club funds for the benefit of the Club and its membership. The club is non-profit making.
      5. To make decisions on the basis of a simple majority vote. In the case of equal votes the Chairman shall be entitled to an additional casting vote. The Committee may at its discretion refer a decision to a vote by the membership at a General Meeting.
      6. To agree, maintain, and inform Members of, the Club rules and codes of conduct and any changes made to them.
        1. All members shall be expected to abide by all rules once made and communicated to the membership
        2. Any Full Member may propose a change to Club rules to the Committee, and the Committee shall discuss and respond to all such proposals received.
      7. To set the membership fees for each season.
        1. To make any discretionary decisions specified as within its authority.
    5. The Committee may at its discretion co-opt other persons to the Committee eg where such persons have skills or knowledge that would be of benefit to the Committee in discharging its duties or because they represent Club members with specific interests, needs or attributes. Persons so co-opted shall not be entitled to vote on the Committee and cannot be authorised to make payments.
    1. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held no later than the end of May each year.
      1. Members must be given at least 21 days notice in writing of the Annual General Meeting or any Extraordinary General Meeting.
    2. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:
      1. Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meetings held since the last Annual General Meeting.
      2. Receive and approve the audited accounts for the year from the Treasurer.
      3. Receive reports from the Officers and Committee.
        1. To include a summary of and the outcomes of all requests to change Club rules received by the Committee since the last Annual General Meeting.
        2. Also to include details of changes to Membership fees agreed by the Committee for the next season.
      4. Elect the Officers and Committee Members of the Club.
        1. Nominations of candidates must be received in writing (or by e-mail) by the Secretary at least 14 days before a meeting, and can only be made by Full Members and must be seconded by another Full Member.
    3. The Chairman or a deputy appointed by the Committee or Full Members attending the meeting shall chair all General Meetings.
    4. Decisions made at a General Meeting shall be by a simple majority vote of those Full Members attending the meeting. In the event of equal votes the Chairman shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.
    5. A quorum for a General Meeting shall be 6 Full Members including at least 2 Officers of the Club from the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
    1. Any proposed alterations to the Constitution shall only be considered at a General Meeting.
    2. Any alteration to the Constitution must be proposed by a Full Member of the Club and seconded by another Full Member and be received in writing (or by e-mail) by the Secretary at least 14 days before a General Meeting.
    3. Such alterations shall be passed if supported by not less than two thirds of those Full Members present at the General Meeting, assuming that a quorum has been achieved.
    1. In the event of the cessation of the Club at a General Meeting, any surplus funds will be donated at the discretion of the Committee to some other voluntary non-profit organisation having similar objectives to the Club.

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